Friday, 24 February 2017

Final days of portrait series: And then there were three

I have chosen my last 4 images which I want to display for my final piece.

This is a portrait series of my Nephew called "And then there were three"

I feel confident about this project, it was a nice experience for me and my sister to do together and make me feel like I can give her something she really wanted rather than just books, clothes and toys for the baby!

After meeting with Nathan it gave me a better idea on how I wanted to show my images and portray the story I wanted to tell! interms of the idea behind the images, and having a better idea of what the images looked like from taking a step back. Showing the images to Nathan we discussed that they were quite documentative, we looked in to Ana Casas Broda an artist which Anne suggested from Alice's previous research, we looked at some of her work and articles around her.

We came across an article called Hometruths: Photography, motherhood and identity, which got us thinking about maybe its the identity of motherhood or the mysterious identity of the baby.

We also discussed how some of my images contrasted that of Ana Casas Broda and Elinor Carucci an artist much like Ana Casas Broda, Their photographs are very honest, showing motherhood and being a woman in a new light, taking risks with what they document, they are very intimate photos of their bodies and what they are going though, where as my photos of Hannah are less risky, mostly for her amenity than for anyone else. There is also a sense of before and after with my images.

My body after c section Elinor Carucci

My photo

I'm not the biggest fan of portraits but I felt because this was more personal, I could really connect with my idea, my first photography project didn't go so well as I didn't know what I wanted to do for my idea, I kept changing my kind and couldn't decide what I wanted to do. This time I was really set on my idea.

I'm really happy with how they came out, and happy with my final four photos.





The next step is to work out how i'm going to show the photos and which order I wish to present them.  I also need to consider what I want to say about the photos as a whole.

I loved every second of this part of the project, and even better i get to show something i'm truly proud of.

Sunday, 12 February 2017


From our most latest task, I put together a video regarding brexit and Trump, called Trexit

I found news reports and riots from youtube and his speech online and cut it all up.

I burned a copy of his speech to show that a lot of what he had to say is lies, and the next 100 days he proved to be as most people see it like Hitler, building walls and segregating people, even throwing them out the county.

What has inspired me over the last few weeks is the whole world coming together to stop the immigration ban in America.

As one of the videos I found said 'The people united, will never be defeated' and I can't think of anything better, it's just a shame that the world came together under such negative circumstances. But hopefully it will help create some change

Sunday, 5 February 2017


This is my take on my most recent project for experimental media

My task was to create a one to two minute video referencing the materiality of the digital film

This could be the internet social media, apps gaming.

It should have no narrative

i'm really enjoying this project it have much more creative freedom and gives me a chance to try something new

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Photoshoot - Bump to baby 31/01/17

Yesterday was my first attempt at my portrait project series. I wanted to show that it's not just the women going through the journey but the men to!

I understand that depending on the family situation depends on the journey, whether its; adopting, giving birth, Surrogacy, or being a single parent. Parent(s) go through the same journey, picking out clothes, going to scans, picking out names, buying furniture, decorating the nursery, and what they look forward to the most. 

My older sister Hannah and her partner Scott are having a baby and he's due on the 4th March 2017, so it's very exciting do be having a new member of the family. It's also very exciting because for a few years now multiple doctors told Hannah she will never have children because of the medication she'd have to go on. 

Hannah's story 

"About 12 years ago, A series of unfortunate circumstances lead to me loosing a considerable amount of sight in my left eye. Over time, the virus kept flaring up and scarring right down the centre of my eye making the vision worse and the cornea very very thin.

Last week, the cornea tore which caused a leak which led me to spending 3 days in hospital under constant watch because there was a real danger of my cornea tearing more, exposing my optic nerve and me going totally blind. For a week, I've had a contact lens on which is soft on the bottom and was plugging the hole so that they can keep the eye stable ready for surgery.

There is so many things they could do from putting amniotic fluid on it to special eye glue! But as my eye was so poorly it was decided that I would have a cornea transplant.

Yesterday, thanks to the most incredible donor, I now have vision in my eye which I never would have imagined could happen again. Considering I started the year being partially blind and this morning I can read words on a board I haven't been able to for over a decade it is almost a miracle."

So the medication she'd have to go on to stop her rejecting the new cornea would stop her from being fertile. 

The doctors gave her a 5 year window to take the medication before her body would start rejecting it. 

So Hannah being pregnant is a new start for her and Scott. 

I have a niece and two nephews already, but the excitement is still there. I have some idea of what its like for watching my other sisters having babies, but to be given the chance with the skills I have developed from my course at university has given me the chance to document this beautiful journey for anyone to go on. 

Hannah gave me a few ideas on what photos she wanted to be shot, she directed me to pinterest to look at different types of poses she could do. I booked a studio and discussed with Hannah and Scott what they wanted! 

Because I have a good relationship with my sister and her partner it was easy to get the photos going, in the future when if I do other shoots its helped me realise how important it is to develop a relationship with your client to make it easier to shoot photos.

I asked Hannah and Scott to write 5 sentences on post it notes on what they are looking forward to the most. 



This is the result from the photoshoot. 

I'm really happy with how they came out. The next steps are to take pictures of cravings, furniture, and when finally baby Brown comes along take some photos of him. Hannah feels he will come before his due date so hopefully once she is up to visitors I can take some photos of him.

The photos weren't as sharp as they could have been. Next time I will make sure the focus is completely correct before snapping the photos.