Sunday, 26 March 2017

Sound Project

My picture I chose was by Francis Bacon called 'Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X' painted in 1953 a re creation of Spanish painter Diego Velázquez called 'Portrait of Pope Innocent X'

He was elected in the 1644 conclave which lasted from the 9th August to 15th September. He passed away 11 years later on the 7th January 1655

Not long after his accession, he initiated legal action against the Barberini Brothers (Francesco, Antonio and Taddeo) for misappropriation of public funds, the bothers were cardinals. Innocent X confiscated their property, and on 19 February 1646, issued a bull (public decree) ordaining that all cardinals who leave the Papal States for more than six months without papal permission (permission from the church) would have their benefices stripped and eventually their cardinalate.

During the civil war between England and Ireland that took place between 1642 to 1651, Pope Innocent X strongly supported Ireland. The civil war was a series of armed conflicts and political schemes between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists (Cavaliers) The war ended with the Parliamentarian victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651.

The sounds I used were, the electric hum of a light, church bells, water, and tapping from fingers.

using echos, realtime stretch, and panoramic equalisers I created my final piece, using the zoom pics from stores I recorded all my sounds 

Monday, 6 March 2017


My Idea: My series is called 'Then there were three' my idea is based off bump to baby photoshoots, then plan was to document my sisters pregnancy before she gives birth, unfortunately the baby is over due therefore I haven't been able to take photos of him.

Why I came up with it? Hannah wanted to document her pregnancy and it just happened that it coincided with this project so it was perfect timing, Hannah gave me permission to use them for my final piece.

Target audience: My target audience are for new parents or even parents who all ready have children. as they understand whats it's like to go through it and can feel more attached to the image.

Who was it inspired by and why? My images were inspired my Elinor Carucci and Ana Casas Broda because They have a very interesting way to show pregnancy and have a sense of honesty in the images they create.

Their work:
Showing my pregnancy to my parents (EC)
Lucio and Ana (ACB)

My body after c-section (EC)
Induced (EC)

 Kinderwunsch (ACB)

What went well: It was easy to get the images I wanted as i have a good relationship with my subjects , I love how they came out and the colours of the images my favourite being
 because it was the only image of Hannah that wasn't posed, unfortunately she's not the biggest fan of the image.

Even better if: I spent a long time on

because it was over exposed on one side, so i had to do a lot of work to get it right, so next time I would double check the images before I finish, i could have taken them again but Hannah came full term and was getting tired more quickly so it was harder to get her in to the studio.

Overall i'm really happy with how they came out and i'm proud to show them to an audience which i think it the most important part of this project is of being proud of what we create

Final Piece