Thursday, 28 September 2017

First Avid Lesson

On monday was my first Avid lesson, it was really fun to learn something new!

The lesson was basically just showing us the basics, and playing around with videos provided.  Loads of different tools to learn on Avid, but i'm excited for it.

We also get the chance to take an exam in it which I think i'll give a shot at because its not the end of the world if I don't pass, but at least I tried.

I'm excited to see what these next lessons are going to bring and what we are going to learn!

This is a picture of the timeline with different parts of the rushes we got, and keyframes to dip the music in and out! 

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Innovation and interference - Marina Abramovic

Innovation and interference

"With eyes closed I see Happiness" - Marina Abramovic 

The artist I was given was Marina Abramovic, she was born in 1946 Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Her parents held prominent positions in the communist government. Her father was a Marshall in the elite guard, her mother was an art historian, who oversaw historical monuments.  When her father left when Abramovic was 18, her mother took over the family, she was very strict and often violent, however she did support Abramovic's interest in Art.

Looking through some of her early work, its very disturbing, from what I have read she struggled with catatonia and schizophrenia. She took drugs in the intention to treat this. In the early 1970's she began creating performative art, initially creating sound installations, but quickly moved on to art that involved the body. In her early work it often places her in dangerous situations both mental and physical. She invited people to abuse her body with a variety of objects, such as a loaded gun (Rhythm 0, 1974)  I won't put any of her early work up, purely because it is very intense, but do click the link if you want to have a look at Rhythm 0.

I'm not the biggest fan of her work as its very potent. Which although I do think that art can be as powerful and disturbing as it wants, and its very much to the taste of the viewer, but for me its almost too much.

A year later in 1975 Abramovic created a piece called Thomas Lips which she basically cut her stomach with a razor, whipped her self and then laid of a block of ice.....  in an interview she suggested that the inspiration for her art comes from her experience growing up under Tito's communist dictatorship and  her relationship with her mother.  "All my work in Yugoslavia was very much about rebellion, not against just the family structure but the social structure and the structure of the art system there... My whole energy came from trying to overcome these kinds of limits." A photo of her work from Thomas Lips was put up in the Guggenheim Museum.

She was very constrained in terms of who could influence her art, due to being confined by the communist government, therefore everything was decided to what she could see and artists she could know about. In 1975 whilst in Amsterdam she met Frank Uwe Laysiepen aka Ulay, the next year she moved in with him, and for 12 years the colabed their art, works such as Imponderabilia (1977) where Abramovic and Ulay stood face to face, in a small corridor, forcing people to walk between them or slide between them if you will. As seen below.

After 12 years together as both collaborative artists and lovers. (scandalous) which is probably why they grew apart, with conflicts of interests and wanting to go down different creative paths. The last Collaborative piece they did together was called The Lovers which they both stood on two different sides of The Great Wall of China and walked for three months, and they met in the middle and said goodbye, they had little to no contact after their last project. 

Since 1997 she's won many awards for her work, and is considered to be 'the grandmother of performance art' 

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Summer Project - Political awareness - Terror


  1. 1
    extreme fear.

    "people fled in terror"

    synonyms:extreme fear, dreadhorror, fear and trembling, frighttrepidationalarmpanicshock;

Our Summer project was to create a concept  for a video along the theme of 'Political awareness' of course due to all the on going attacks I felt that this would be an interesting yet sensitive subject to touch upon.

A terrorist is defined as 'a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.'

Society already dictated that muslims are terrorists but people forget if we go right back to 1605 the gunpowder plot Guy Fawkes was a terrorist as he attempted to assassinate the King, Guy Fawkes was born and raised in York. 

Between 1939 and 2000 almost all documented terrorist attacks in the UK came from the IRA (Irish Republican Army) The most terror attacks by this group was 24 in the 1990's.

This year the UK have been hit hard with the terror attacks starting in Westminster where a man drove in to pedestrians on Westminster bridge and then later stopped by armed officers, This was treated as an act or terrorism motivated by Islamic extremism. Then that same day up in Manchester an explosion went off outside the arena where Ariana Grande held a concert, killing 22 people and injuring 250.

Despite all this, what stood out to me the most was our motivation as a country to not give in to fear and to show we will not back down! As a country we came together in times of hardship and continued on, Even Ariana Grande organised a benefit concert to help raise morale. 

I watched a programme called 'Manchester: 100 days after the attack' i've linked part one here (Part 1) I could watch all of it as I found it really hard to watch, but what it showed was a lot of the people affected by the attacks and the days that followed, including injured and the parents of those who died... 

One story was of a little girl who had been hit with shrapnel and wasn't breathing, Her parents got her out of the carnage and in to a car park where a police officer found them and blue lighted them to the children hospital in Manchester, she survived and later met the police officer which got her to the hospital. 

It told the accounts of the emergency services involved, one of the ambulance crews told the interviewer how the police where such a major help in getting people to hospital by making make-shift stretchers to get people out and into ambulances.

Recently the police have put out a new scheme called 'Run, Hide, Tell' which is what i'm going to name my video, it states that in the event you are in the middle of an attack or see one happening, you sound 

Run away

Hide as best you can

Tell someone what is happening if it is safe to do so 

This video gives advice on what you should do in the event of a firearms and weapons attack, it was uploaded to youtube by the NPCC or National Police Chief's Council. 

This is also very beneficial to University's much like ours to educate both students and teachers on what to do. 

My main idea is to basically show our optimism in times of hardship as a country and what to do in the event of an attack, what you can do.

I intend to do this through very short clips at the beginning of news reports but then having longer clips of us as a country banding together, stronger than ever.