Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Final work Evaluation

I was going to have four photos, and then take the same four photos of my sister (Roman's mum) and my dad. and have one line of Roman, then my sister, then my dad. But unfortunately my sister is having some personal time and therefore I could finish what my aim was. I then planned to use my other sister (Roman's aunty) and still use my dad, but I felt that it wasn't going to follow a family line, father, daughter, grandchild. Three generations. So I decided to use six photos of Roman.

If i got to do the project again, or advance it further, i'd finish what I started, and get the same photos following the generations. I used Lightroom to correct the white balance, and to crop the image to get the image I wanted, next time i'd try different focal points to have more of a variety when chosing the image I want. Especially with the foot image as it didn't;t give me a lot of options on where to crop, especially due to the lighting. I decided to use natural lighting from the window in my living room because It gave enough light in the room and it casted some nice shadows.

I like in the image of Roman's head you can see the fine strands of his hair in detail. a lot of the images have fluff like in between his toes, and on his hands but I thought it would work with the images, because he is a baby, they always have stuff on their bodies, so it adds emphasis on him being young.

The eyebrow image could be a bit more clearer as well as the one of his fingers, and a larger focal point for the ear.

the final work came quite late, but its still come out quite well, although it does need to be improved as well as developed. Its been an interesting journey to be on, learning my strengths and weaknesses.

I'm really proud of my final work, I didn't think working in this way using macro would work so well, however it did and i'm happy with my final outcome.

Following Tutorials

Being stuck for awhile on how I aim to complete this unit, many questions go unanswered; What camera am I going to use?, Do I continue in film or DSLR?, How am I going to present this?, and What am I trying to show?

After having a tutorial with Rosie it was discussed that I use Macro to get really close up image of Roman, getting all the fine details of his skin and hair.  My series was to follow on from my first series piece of Hannah to then have photos of Roman 1 year on.... However baby photography has been done, and I run the risk of it being just another family photoshoot, which is not what i'm aiming for.

I'm going to continue learning Film but I won't use it for this project, i'm going to finish this project in DSLR so I can make sure I get the images I want.  I'm going to print the images out in A5 and put them in a line.

Fields and Frames

Ashvini Ray

Ashvini Ray, born 1990 in Sydney, Australia. In 2011, she completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts, at Sydney University, Sydney College of the Arts. She has since been involved in multiple group-exhibitions culminating in her first solo exhibition at Gallery 8 in Sydney.

She mainly works with sculptures and installations, but she has done some photography work. One series she did named 'The Untitled Series" which focuses on my chosen theme of the body. She took interesting abstract black and white photographs. 

She uses a macro lens to get these images. I want to try and do this on Roman, it will be easier when he's asleep or eating because thats the only time he's still enough to get any photos.  However, looking on the google images for examples, it seems its been mostly done on newborns and its always their feet, it's more close up than macro for all the image on google, where as I want to try more like Ashvini Ray's photography getting really close and seeing all the fine details