Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Split screen project

Final project of the year! Split screen project using adobe after effects. Has to be a minimum of 1 minute long, showing the relationship between the human body and the digital media. Mine is of a person swimming and getting exercise and in other side is a heart monitor which I made from scratch.

My final piece can be viewed in the video below.

I used you tube to help me make it, ( the video tutorial was for a older version of after effects so somethings had changed so I couldn't get it exactly like the video but I did manage to do it and was really proud.  It took me 2 hours to do but was worth it.

I also used you tube to help me create a split screen which was really straight forward (

My inspiration came from watching adverts which showed heart monitoring devices such as the apple watch and fitbit. I wanted to visually show what it would look like through these devices.

I had another version of a split screen project which unfortunately was playing up so it wasn't ready in time, that version was basically where I had a video from when I was a baby and everyone was around watching me trying to walk, on the other side had me scrolling through Facebook and being a click away from contacting everyone. As the video played the words 'family time' would pop up on the Facebook screen, and then 'Facebook time' would pop up on the family screen, showing what the person should be doing but isn't.

I also created a glitch effect so I could put it behind the heart monitor, (

In conclusion i'm not overly happy with my finished product, my computer wasn't the most powerful with running adobe after effects which made it harder to watch back the video in production, however i'm happy with what I created in terms of the effects I made from scratch although not overly ambitious they were really fun to make.

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