Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Practise photos

 My initial image is of my Phone, I was testing out the IOS. For some strange reason no matter what setting I put the IOS on or the shutter speed my camera really wanted the flash on other wise it wouldn't let any light in. This therefore made my image quite bright but detailed.

The following photos are of my sister doing her her and putting her make up on. I wanted to show the idea that women go through quite a process to go out into the world, sort of their out door face. It's almost fake and we choose how                                we want the world to see us.

I used the Canon 1100D on the settings: Focal length 55, F number 5.6, Exposure time 1/10
for the first image of my sister. The rest of the images I have put there settings under the photo it's self

Focal length 44, F number 5.6, Exposure time 1/8

Focal length 55, F number 5.6, Exposure time 1/8
 I wanted to choose different parts of my sister doing her make up, from various angles, some photos are just of part of her face such as her lips in the last photo.

This is one of my favourites it shows my sister contouring her face, this adds to my theme of unnatural beauty. It shows the different parts of her face and the natural bumps and the surface of her face itself.

Focal length 55, F number 5.6, Exposure time 1/8

Focal length 42, F number 5.6, Exposure time 1/8

Focal length 55, F number 5.6, Exposure time 1/8

The image of the mirror I find quite powerful as it shows that our selves as an individual need to be happy with the way our make up is before we let the rest of the world see.  I enjoy the angle and the lighting because it gives my sister a better profile of her face, and we can see the whole of her face without needing to be face on and distort the image. To do this I put the mirror at an angle.

I like this image because it shows my sister balancing the mascara to make sure it doesn't touch her face. The detail of her eyelashes are evident and you can see the concentration  on her face, by the way her face is composed.  I like it because you can see her concentration without needing to see her face.

I like this image because it shows all the different equipment people use to put on their outside face on. The different brands and colours.

I like this angle and the motion of my sister picking up the lipstick.  The shadows give a good depth of field and give the image a more 3D effect. The focus is mostly on the lipstick which is what the eye draws to first.

I like this photo because it shows the faces we make to get the desired look, especially with the lipstick so she can get every part of her lip.

I like the fact that her lips aren't completely painted, and you can see the start of it but its not finished which makes the image even more powerful

These are just a select few from all the images I took. I chose these because they are my favourite

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