Thursday, 10 November 2016


I took this photo in Chawton park woods. a mile from my house in Hampshire.

It's of a water tower which you can't see but has satellite dishes on. I liked the way it looked abandoned and lonely. With only the solitude of the woods to keep it company. I was on a walk with my dad and I found it so I just snapped a photo. I like the idea of not planning a photo, just seeing something and taking a photo, Even if it's just on my phone or with my camera. This photo was taken with an iPhone and later edited on Instagram.

This is of a photo of fairy lights outside a pub in London, I took it about two years ago when I was waiting outside for a taxi to be taken to the station, This was on my sisters wedding night. I liked how they came from one side and then went in separate directions.

I like the angle and the amount of lighting there was. the only light source is really from the fairy lights and a few lights on in the pub.

You can see the night sky. You can't tell it's late because of all the street lights but it was about half 11 at night. The night sky also shows the business of the surrounding areas, How the light disturbs the sky which allows no stars to shine.

As strange as it sounds I like taking photos of the elements (Earth, Air, Wind, and Fire) I like expressing how they natural elements have an effect on us all.

A video art installation which is on permanent display at St Paul's Cathedral in London is by Bill Viola called Martyrs. A truly beautiful piece showing how we are effected by the elements of earth.

The natural elements have an honest beauty. By that I mean, they are not manipulated to be something they are not. What you get is what you are given which I feel is important in natural photography, It not to be posed and faked but genuine looks and feelings.

This particular photo was taken at Virginia water.  The whole park is basically a massive pond and you can walk round it either for a long walk or a short one.

On the walk we found this waterfall and you can get really close. This was just taken on an iPhone. Had I had a proper camera I could of used long exposure to make the water softer. However I like the roughness of it falling and slashing on the rocks, as it's this action that makes the sound.  The reasons the photo is so dark is because there was a lot of cloud cover and a lot of tree cover as well, so not a lot of natural light but it still made for a great photo, I do have photos of myself closer to the waterfall unfortunately they can't be located.

My reasons for posting these photos is to give a small in site in to my thinking. As in why I those the photo, the angle, how much control I had over the light and movement. Placement of certain objects, or what's in the photo itself.

These are all the things I consider when taking the photo and choosing one to post on Facebook or Instagram.

I hope this will reflect in my portraits project

1 comment:

  1. Taking lots of images and enjoying the freedom to capture anything that gives us visual pleasure is a great way of being to reflect back and discover our creative voice. I am pleased you mentioned the Bill Viola installation in St Pauls. Why don't you research this some more, find out what Bill Viola said about it - (try Tate shots for starters) and write about your interpretation of the work.
    Can you start posting about your Portraits project as assessment is less than 2 weeks away and its essential that you produce a finished outcome for the 25th November. thanks
